The Exchange allows magicians to perform miracles - effortlessly. Imagine outjogging a card from the pack and visibly changing the color of its back or face - without sleight of hand.
But wait, there's more! The Exchange allows you to:
- Morph four freely selected cards into the four aces
- Print your personal information on a blank business card
- Switch gaffed cards for the real thing
- Clean-up formerly dirty packet tricks - right under their noses
- Heal a torn or hole-punched card
And much more - all without difficult sleight of hand.
Perhaps best of all, The Exchange can be set-up in any deck of cards without suspicion. The gaff is cleverly disguised in such a way as to be absolutely undetectable, even to spectators who scrutinize your every move! This is a devilishly clever card utility you'll put to work immediately.
Trade in your tired, old tricks for The Exchange.
Supplied complete, including 60 Minute instructional DVD featuring Tomás Medina, and custom-made Exchange deck (Bicycle Rider Back cards in blue or red).